March Open Write Day 2, Slice of Life Challenge Day 17, The Stafford Challenge Day 61

Special Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for the Slice of Life Challenge!

Katrina Morrison of Oklahoma is our host today for the second day of the March Open Write at You can read her full prompt here. She explains that misheard lyrics are called Mondegreen. I’m a fan of Coxy.Official, and when the whole bed is shaking with my laughter at night, my husband knows I’m watching Nathan Cox on Tik Tok. He’s the king of music Mondegreen, and so thanks to Katrina, I now know this misheard lyric genre has a name. Coxy’s short clips are for adults, and it’s not the words as much as his reactions that get my tickle box turned over. Now it makes me want to go find the exact lyrics for all those songs I often mis-sang growing up. I was never sure whether Clapton was saying she don’t ride, she don’t ride, she don’t ride cocaine or she’s alright, she’s alright, she’s alright cocaine, but either way you sing it, it works in the song.

My poem is about a text that became our own new phrase shortly after we married.

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on

Loyding On Purpose Now

his familiar text ding~ I
knew what it would say

same time, each morning
and his words never get old
or lose their meaning

I pulled up his text
unaware it would become
our new word for love

his ear-clogged iPhone
or else his autocorrect 
sauced up his message:

I loyd you, he’d sent
over and over I laughed
trying to respond

in all-cap letters
I replied: I LOYD YOU, TOO
we’ve been loyding since

18 Replies to “March Open Write Day 2, Slice of Life Challenge Day 17, The Stafford Challenge Day 61”

  1. Kim,

    I love your take on the prompt. I’ve been overthinking it and trying to remember lyrics I’ve misunderstood. we have the Sirius 70s music on as we drive, and I’m hoping inspiration sings to me. I could write a naughty poem about mishearing. LOL. And I need to check out that Tim Toc channel I rarely use Tik Tok but this one sounds fantastic.

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    1. Glenda, thank you! He has a Facebook account, too, and l love to watch his face when he sings the wrong words and realizes it – as if someone has written lyrics he is seeing only for the first time in his recording studio. Enjoy!

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  2. Kim, you know I “loyd” this for all the love and Kim-humor in it!! The beautiful reliability of your relationship shines through every line. The best marriages are made of so many little personal jokes… heaven knows, we need them…

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