My Why

My daughter Mallory on her graduation from The Bethany House in Clarksville, Tennessee, June 2019 – where God changed her trajectory and restored her life – and so many others!

Today, I celebrate and reflect on one solid year of daily writing,

consider the coming year.  

I’ll go for two and do it again – 

with more intentional themes this year.  

I’ll begin two books.  

There.  I’ve written it, shared it in print.  

A blog post each day


two books. 

I won’t take a sabbatical from work.  

Who writes two books at once? 

My people and I do.  

Because there are stories to be told 

that must be told now.  

While every voice is ready to tell them.

One is a father/daughter book. 

I’ll write parts and pass the baton.

Back and forth we’ll write stories we must tell.

Then I’ll rest a moment,

pick up the other baton.

The second is a book of many voices of hope ~

Hope that is needed now more than ever

reassurance that 

God is still in the miracle-working business.  

I’ll be a collector of miracles, 

Of inward journeys to 

the depths of souls,

Where God changes the


Where He restores brokenness,

where He performs

Life-saving miracles the world needs to know.

I listen to these stories. 

I pick up the pen.  

This is why I write.  

This is my why. 

Acts 4:29-30
29 Lord, pay attention to their threats now, and allow your servants to speak your word boldly 30 as you stretch out your hand to heal and to perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

365 Days Tomorrow

1 year, 1 goal, 1 step at a time ~

Yes, I did it – and so can you!

Every single day for one solid year, write and post.

A writer’s ultra marathon and tomorrow, I will

Reach it and keep going.  One solid year of daily writing.  I did it!

Now – how shall I celebrate?

Be it Ever So Humble, There’s No Place Like Home

I fly home today 

back to where I’m known and loved 

~there’s no place like home! 

our hearts full of smiles

on the Johnson Funny Farm’s

thick pine tree forest 

uncurtained windows 

so we can see our wildlife ~

deer, squirrels, and birds 

travel is focused 

-heightened awareness of place 

of people, of food

of plans to have fun 

to learn, to experience 

culture, history 

to pack the mindset

take it home in my suitcase 

-adventure each day

I fly home today 

back to where I’m known and loved 

~there’s no place like home! 

Thank you to #sosmagic for giving writers space, voice, and inspiration

Texas Weather

Temperatures dipped

Here in San Antonio

Ninety to forty

People wearing shorts outside the Alamo on Monday, 2/21/22

From eyelids sweating

To stuffing ears with Kleenex

Texas is extreme!

A Day in the Jungle

Today I am writing through the Open Write at, where our host encouraged us to write Picture Book Poems.

My favorite picture book as a child was Tibor Gergely’s Great Big Book of Bedtime Stories, but the one story I loved more than any other was A Day in the Jungle by Janette Lowrey. My mother read it to me over and over, and I think back on this story about the fear that rises in a group and how so many of our fears mount unnecessarily. You can read it here:

No Fear

There was no monster
howling and shrieking with rage
~just a friendly owl.

Palindrome Poems

Today at, Susan Ahlbrand is our host at the Open Write. She encouraged us to write palindrome poems, or mirror poems that use a forward and back pattern. I chose sleep. After having Covid, it takes a long time to shake the fatigue. All I want to do lately is sleep.

morning, wakening

naptime, midday siesta

bedtime: dreams ahead

Passion Poems

Today at, Susan Ahlbrand is our host of the Open Write. She encouraged us to write a poem to something about which we are passionate as our poem today.

Dear travel, you keep

me looking forward to our

next planned rendezvous!

Rockport last fall break

Salem witches, Gloucester whales

hopeless wanderlust…..

San Antonio

and Texas Hill Country this

break……where to next? -Kim

Kitchen Ghosts

Framed handwritten recipes in my kitchen on the Johnson Funny Farm

Glenda Funk, a February host at’s Open Write, inspired us to write Kitchen Ghost poems, inspired by her own reading of Crystal Wilkinson’s poetry. Today, I write this poem in memory of my oldest living aunt, Jeanie Haynes, who died on February 2, 2022 at the age if 95.. She drank Dr. Pepper and loved her family!

Kitchen Ghostangels

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord

Sometimes when I open the recipe box, the ghostangels march out to the

He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored

strains of How Firm a Foundation and In the Garden, and I’m taken back

He has loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword

to the caramel and chocolate layer cakes hidden beneath the dented

His truth is marching on

silver metal cake cover to those kitchens in South Georgia where my ancestors

Glory, glory, Hallelujah…..Glory, glory, Hallelujah…….Glory, glory, Hallelujah

cooked chickens alive that morning and baked cakes with fresh-fallen pecans and

His truth is marching on …..

rolled red and green candied fruit in flour to put into our Christmas fruitcakes and

In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea

sometimes I think of those dishes with the Cherokee Rose pattern along the edges

with a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me

that once stood in the cabinet with all that carnival glass and milk glass some of which

as He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free

now lives here with me as I wonder about its next stop and sometimes I open an ice

His truth is marching on

cream sandwich and think of the time I ran past Meema to the freezer without hugging her

Glory, glory, Hallelujah

hello first and how that didn’t end well at all and somewhere in all of this, I know

Glory, glory, Hallelujah

they are still strong spirits who come at will and find their way back to Heaven through

Glory, glory, Hallelujah

their own timewrinkled handwriting on the cards in my recipe box

His truth is marching on…..

Family recipes
Aunt Jeanie Haynes
A special thanks to Slice of Life for giving writers space and voice!

Pedagogy Poems

Today, Glenda Funk has inspired us to write Pedagogy Poems as part of the Open Write at

Pedagogical Travel


leanings take us places to

see the world, to know


footholds (On Clouds, size 7)

bring flat maps to life! 

Cultural studies  

immerse us in food, music

art, literature 


beliefs propel wanderlust 

to explore the world 

Political lines 

fade, humanitarian 

connections strengthen

Kaleidoscopes of

understanding that far is

near, that there is here 


travel viewpoints empower 


Trailblazing footprints 

discovering difference

is conceptual