In Places Loved Nonet

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

today I loaded my car with books

first editions, autographed names

I’m holding on no longer

to these inked hostages ~

those sentiments are

not mine; nor those

memories ~

I’ve let




what should live

in places loved

where their worth is not

measured in value of

possible return or in

collectors’ satisfaction but

in what’s inside ~ their words and message

3 Replies to “In Places Loved Nonet”

    1. Margaret, thank you! I kept noticing every time I went into the reading room that I sneezed and coughed and my throat got itchy. I am parting with them for health reasons also. Thanks for reading!


  1. Kim, I love the message in your title. “In places loved” — you know the insides are where the real love is found. Beautiful sentiment!

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