Ticks ~ Husband vs. Wife

Photo by Erik Karits on Pexels.com

Wife: Oh, good gracious! A tick!

(gets tweezers, removes tick, flushes it)

7 seconds later finishes

applying makeup, gets dressed and starts

writing before work in her favorite chair


Husband: (hollers from shower)

Can you come here?

I need you to look at something!

Wife: (hollers back) I’m not falling for that again.

Husband: No, seriously.

I think I have a tick.

Wife: I’ll be there when you get out.

Husband: (parading into living room

towel wrapped around his waist,

still half-wet, hair every whichaway,

pointing just under his left nipple)

No wonder I’ve been itching since

we got home from camping!

Wife: Are you sure it’s a tick? It’s

embedded deep. It’s not a mole?

Husband: I don’t think so.

Do you have tweezers?

Wife: Yes, I’ll get them.

(brings them from makeup bag)

Husband: Here, you try! (hands tweezers back)

Wife: (rolling eyes)

Husband: Well, I can’t see that angle

Wife: There’s a mirror right

behind you (digging at embedded

tick, husband wincing)

Husband: Here, let me try

(takes tweezers)

Wait, do you have different

tweezers? These aren’t lining up right.

Wife: (goes and looks for another pair

brings them back 3 minutes later)

Husband: (still digging) I got part of it

Wife: The head is still in there.

Husband: I’ll dig that out later. I’m

going to be late for work…..

(dresses, kisses her, grabs coffee, leaves for work)

Wife returns to chair to finish writing

<writes: Ticks ~ Husband vs. Wife>

Special thanks to Two Writing Teachers

17 Replies to “Ticks ~ Husband vs. Wife”

  1. Kim,

    You gave us a cliffhanger! What happened to the tick head? Is it out or in? I’ll admit: I don’t miss ticks. We don’t have them i. this part of Idaho, And did you check Boo Radley and the other pups for ticks? Stanley and Snug want to know. BTW: This reminds me of conversations I’ve had w/ Ken, but it’s usually some kind of geezer pimple or ingrown hair he wants me to fix.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The difference between the two reactions is funny! I’d be more like your husband, in this case. Ticks are on my shudder-to-think-about-them list. I haven’t had one yet (that I know of) and I cringe at the thought of trying to get one out.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What an amusing yet relatable tick-removal ordeal between the husband and wife! Your efficiency in quickly and expertly removing the tick contrasts hilariously with your husband’s struggle and eventual resignation to just leave the remnants for later. I love how you calmly returned to your writing while your hubby rushed off to work, leaving the tick situation unresolved. We, too, have different ways of handling situations… maybe I should write those down more often.

    This was truly an entertaining commentary!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OH GROSS! I just went through this same dance with my husband. (Though – no tick on me, thank goodness.) Ugh ugh ugh. What a fun way to approach the subject – through poetry!

    Hope he gets the rest of that being out from under….

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ugh! I suppose one positive thing about ticks, and the only positive thing, is that you got a slice out of them (and a beautifully structured one at that)! We have so many ticks in Maine and there are serious problems with Lyme disease. My husband just had it for the third time!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh my Lord! Getting the head is only THE WHOLE POINT! This rollicking scene is written so well that I can see and hear the characters (i.e., y’all) to the point of flinching at the wince. I have had many a round with ticks in my life – if they bite me, I’ll keep the mark for about a year. I hope to heaven the head is out by now.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, Kim! Yikes! I can learn a lot about you and your hubby from this conversation. I’m not real familiar with ticks, but I’m scared of and grossed out by them, specially that he had the confidence to go on to work without removing the whole thing! Wow!

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