Day 26 of #VerseLove with Scott McCloskey: Billboard Poems

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Scott McCloskey is our host today for Day 26 of #VerseLove, inspiring us to write short billboard-type poems of wit and wisdom, the kind that stick with a reader and leave an impression. You can read his full prompt here, but I’m adding some notes below, too:

Scott explains:

This, of course, is not something new, this “poetry as billboard.”  Poems have replaced advertising on some buses (and other forms of transit) in Washington thanks to the Poetry in Public program. And over thirty years ago, The Poetry in Motion folks did a similar thing, placing poems in various transit systems in Los Angeles, New York City, Nashville, and San Francisco (among many, many others).

Just looking at a small sampling of the poems from the New York Poetry in Motion selections you’ll see some heavy hitters: Charles Simic, Audre Lorde, Tracy K. Smith, Maya Angelou, Seamus Heaney, Shakespeare, Sharon Olds, Billy Collins, Walt Whitman…look, I could just keep naming them, and you’d recognize all of them!  You’d also notice that their topics (and size of selections) are as varied as the poets themselves.

Clinking Pens

on Aisle 12

I caught him

peering around

the corner

“I thought that was you,”

he smiled, approaching.

“Remember me?”

Of course I did.


We side hugged,

I asked him

about life.

“I want to

thank you,”

he said.

“You taught me

if I remembered

nothing else

to always keep

a pen on me.”

He reached

in his pocket,

pulled out

a black pen

with gold banding.

“I just bought

my first house

and signed with

it. I thought

of you.”

My breath caught

a tear welled

and my heart

burst with

that now-I-can



I reached in

my purse

pulled out

my signature

Pilot Varsity

fountain pen,

blue ink,

and we clinked

pens, smiling

there on

Aisle 12

3 Replies to “Day 26 of #VerseLove with Scott McCloskey: Billboard Poems”

    1. Margaret, thank you! I can understand the deep need of a student who wants space for the poetry to live on. The pen clinking was indeed joyful and one of the highlight memories of a former student!


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