Pause (and Read). It’s National Book Lover’s Day!

On National Book Lover’s Day, pause. Read. Reflect. Let the words and meaning seep into your life and change your world. Today’s word in Dictionary for a Better World, pause, does not come naturally to me. I make daily lists of what all I need to accomplish, and I hyper-focus on the next checklist item rather than enjoying each moment along the way. I need to be more intentional about taking the time to pause, to breathe, and to laugh.

The poetic form featured on page 70 is a limerick, a humorous poem which has five lines with an aabba rhyme scheme.


to pauseth and readeth a book

is to calmeth a world that once shook

when we crawleth in bed

stories filleth our head –

we dreameth, awaketh: look! look!

photo from

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*During the months of August and September on days when I’m not participating in the Open Write at, I will be writing in response to the pages of Dictionary for a Better World: Poems, Quotes, and Anecdotes from A to Z by Irene Latham and Charles Waters, illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini. The poems, poetic forms, narratives, quotes, and calls to action to make one small difference might be just the medicine my world – or the whole world – needs. I’ll be inviting insights in the form of an immersion into a 10-minute-a-day book study (just long enough to read the page, reflect, and connect). If you don’t have a copy of the book, you can order one here on Amazon. I invite you to join me in making August and September a time of deep personal book friendship. A few teachers will be following the blog and engaging in classroom readings and responses to the text. So come along! Let’s turn the pages into intentionally crafting beautiful change together.

8 Replies to “Pause (and Read). It’s National Book Lover’s Day!”

  1. I am loving this challenge and writing every day! I love how multifaceted your approach is.I am always reading the pages, sometimes trying the poem type, other times the word or the celebration!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the contrast between the words hyper, make, all, shook, and accomplish and those like calm, creep, seep, moment, and — of course — pause. It punctuates the message of your poem with such intentionality!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “I hyper-focus on the next checklist item.” I can relate, Kim! Cute limerick and great inspiration today. I too want “to pause, to breathe, and to laugh.” Peace to you today.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have adored books AND limericks since childhood, Kim – love yours so much here! It perfectly captures the whimsy, excitement, and beckoning adventure that is the “call” of books. You and your poem are so much fun. Love this invitation to craft also!

    Liked by 1 person

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