Slice of Life and Open Write June Day 4 with Anna Roseboro

My writing groups converge today – Slice of Life Challenge writers and Open Write writers take joy on days when we get to see all of our fellow writers on the same day when the stars align. I’m so grateful for these groups of writers who are positive people, inspiring others to write. I also joined The Stafford Challenge in January, and we are around Day 160 of writing a poem every day for one entire year – so we’re close to the middle mark. Where would I be without my writing family? I don’t want to know.

Anna Roseboro of Michigan is our host for Day 4 of the June Open Write at She inspires us today to write reflection/projection poems, using synonyms for those words by looking forward and looking back. You can read her full prompt here. Today I have a working retreat before going off contract for three weeks over the summer, so I’ll be doing a lot of this today. I wrote a nonet, a nine-line poem with line-numbered syllables on each line in descending order.

Slice of Life writers are bloggers who share our posts and something about the moments of our lives. We write every day during March and all through the year on Tuesdays. You can find the home page at to learn more. Today’s Slicing prompt is thinking about what inspires us to write on the early days of summer. I’m not quite there yet, but I’m almost there…….

Photo by Athena Sandrini on

Almost There

glancing backward to focus forward

setting the sails on this boat

checking wind direction

untying the ropes

feeling the breeze

smiling now



4 Replies to “Slice of Life and Open Write June Day 4 with Anna Roseboro”

  1. I love how you explain the convergence of your writing groups and explain and link each one to encourage others. Favorite Line: Where would I be without my writing family? I don’t want to know.

    Same here!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kim,

    Congratulations on getting to the end of the school year. You’ve captured Anna’s prompt perfectly in that first line. Now it’s time to set sail into a relaxing three-weeks. I wish you were coming to Idaho. Do think about embarking on an adventure that takes you away from the normal view the way that sailboat heads out to sea. You’ve earned a vacation.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, Kim, that is a long wait for summer break. I like that you are “checking wind direction” and other things to get ready for a busy, restful, sweet summer! Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The sweet, salt-tinged taste of freedom – I so I hope you enjoy your time off, Kim! Your images are so clear that I feel I’m beside you in this vessel, helping with ropes and sails…and I love this photo. I want to be right there, myself, right now.

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