Challenge from Sarah Donovan:  write a poem honoring Earth Day, and try the Ovillejo form:
Line 1: 8 syllables (a)
2: 3-4 syllables (a)
3: 8 syllables (b)
4: 3-4 syllables (b)
5: 8 syllables (c)
6: 3-4 syllables (c)
7: 8 syllables (c)
8: 8 syllables (d)
9: 8 syllalbes (d)
10:  L 2, L4, L6 restated

Listening to Our Experts

“We are one with the Earth,” cried Chief,
in deep grief
“One word: UNLESS…..” cried the Lorax,
stating facts
Aldo Leopold, County Sand:
“Love the land!”
“Will gardens grow?” From where I stand,
Oliver: “I Worried,” you know
We still have a long way to go
in deep grief, stating facts, love the land

I drew from four beloved books, in this order:

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky by Susan Jeffers
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
Devotions by Mary Oliver, poem “I Worried”

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