Saturday Sunshine Voting Slapdown – The Stafford Challenge Day

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An Election Day Reflection

Saturday Afternoon  2/25/2024 12:21

(a poem written during February’s preliminary for May’s Election Day)

I’m sitting in the car 



a typical stop 

while he talks and talks and talks

we only stopped to early vote ~no lines~

sun shines warm in this cold air

Rav4 my greenhouse, Caribbean blue

I clean out the car trash

notice a bush being windslapped

throwing up a limb

talk to the hand !

    as if suddenly offended

I can’t help wondering

if it’s because it is a political hedge

reacting to the lack of lines

and all the fresh gossip 

of no one waiting

Actual talk to the hand tree looking offended

2 Replies to “Saturday Sunshine Voting Slapdown – The Stafford Challenge Day”

  1. Ha! Thank you, Joanne! Your comment makes me want to dress like a shrub when I go vote. It’s Election Day for our locals here, but I’ll save the shrub gear for November and invite people to use the write-in option. Vote for Shrub!!


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