Give Me Your Shoes

Photo by Dids . on

Give me your Tevas

Let me have your Birkenstocks

Toss me your On Clouds

Your Chacos, your Reefs

I have a shoe addiction

in my DNA

soles are soul-soothing

not changing size where clothes will

holding me steady

Give me your Nikes

Let me have your Adidas

Toss me your Hey Dudes,

Your Hokas, your Clarks

I have a shoe addiction

in my DNA

Blind Rage Rispetto

Photo by Piet Bakker on

Blind Rage Rispetto

such blind rage overtakes me on a thought

these triggers self-combust in open flame

one moment I’m quite civil, next I’m not

and all the same, I know you’re not to blame

I’m not sure how to turn things back around

to compromise and find some common ground

to put the world back on an even keel

……until I try to feel how you must feel


Photo by Natasha Fernandez on


I was once

invited to a


but I saw

the truth

of that




without hesitation

without gift

without regret

without excuse

Reduced Speed Ahead

Photo by Allen Beilschmidt sr. on

Reduced Speed Ahead

crave different days

not working deadline-driven

not governed by clocks

seems all or nothing

drowning in a swift riptide

too tired to love life

sacrificing hearts

of days just to earn a wage

what’s a better way?

On Holocaust Remembrance Day: an etheree

Photo by cottonbro studio on

To commemorate Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, I’ve written a reverse etheree.

To the hell of a concentration camp

To the death showers of Zyklon B

To separated families

To long lost baby shoes

To Hitler’s nightmare

To starvation

To ghettos

To hate



From love

From living

From just like you

From family meals 

From falling deep in love

From dreams and aspirations

From the freedom to live and choose

From the tribe of Father Abraham

From my ancestors’ strong family tree

Watermelon Offerings

Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on

Watermelon Offerings

what is this?

well, would you

believe it?

a text ~ding~

a random



like a game of Yahtzee

nine years after the full house

will this not substitute

for the apology

owed everyone involved?

this we know:

the human heart

slices cleaner

than seedless watermelon

all cut up in cubes

in a parfait dish

for the entitled

wedding soloist

What Chickens and Pigs Teach

Photo by Sam Mueller on

we could take lessons

from chickens in a dust bath

shaking it all off

instead dwell in mud

wallowing unforgiveness

pig kin bickering

get out of the mire

unstuck from the yucky muck

before it’s too late!

*inspired by a recent sermon heard on YouTube

The Main Character

Photo by Monica Silvestre on

The Main Character

he seeks center stage

he knows his lines, his music

his orchestration

but music changes

suddenly the stage lights dim

spotlights shift elsewhere

Other Sunrises

Photo by ismail yazu0131cu0131 on

Other Sunrises

if we have

glorious sunrises

here on earth

are there billions



with other sunrises?

and how breathtaking

are they?


p.s. It’s May 1. Have you said, “rabbit, rabbit?” yet on the first? Here’s to a great month, plus a picture of my backyard rabbit named Rabbit Rabbit.