Peace Lily Death

directly home after

the graveside

service of her

husband’s funeral

she pummelled

all 9 peace lilies

down the bank

into the

Flint River

they remind me of death

hurling the plants

with emphasis on

words as she flung

the polished green

leaves over the edge

me, cheering her

for their unspent

lives unlike that one

on our front porch

a funeral leftover

that will not die

yellow-brown curled

leaf fingers grasping

for life in all its

wanting to be

me, planning a trip

to the river bank

with a peace lily

Photo by Sergei Fomichev on

5 Replies to “Peace Lily Death”

  1. Such strong emotion in this poem that I am assuming is true. I am trying hard to keep two peace lilies alive and wonder why now. I hadn’t thought about it, but one was given to me by my mother-in-law and I wonder if it was left from a funeral. If so, it’s nearly 20 years old. Do they live that long?

    I feel this grief in my whole body.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have never liked peace lillies and have felt badly about it because they represent peace but really they represent rest in peace. Like forever. And now I can truly understand throwing them over the river bank to their demise. Powerful images, Kim, that will last forever.


  3. Oh, Kim, you are on fire this year. This is so powerful. You have me pondering the her and the me of this poem. This: “grasping

    for life in all its

    wanting to be” Wow!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Denise! I appreciate your kind words, my friend! I’m grateful to write with you – Stafford, Open Writes, and Slice of Life. WE, not me – YOU AND I – are on fire – – these challenges do so much to keep the writing embers burning. Thanks for reading!

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