Going Bananas

Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels.com

when the world

takes on its murky

hue and the heaviness

of the anchor spirals

downward making it

hard to keep my head

above water I wonder

about my age

and whether I’ve

depleted all the

happy chemicals

or whether I

just need to

eat a banana

10 Replies to “Going Bananas”

  1. The first part of your poem is as stunning a metaphor for depression as I have ever read. Then an intriguing question- have I depleted all my happy chemicals? then a light and positive ending! This compact poem was a surprise to me, and so original. Eating a banana, now!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your poem is an accurate picture of how aging makes us question “everything” as we age….and then there is the anchor that figures so powerfully in this piece…and we are the anchors, now, holding on even as the waves of time try to force us to let go…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kim,

    I’m reminded how important nutrition is to our moods and perspectives. I love that this is one sentence connecting all the ideas together, which is exactly how they fit in our lives. I think I need more potassium, but it has so many carbs, the bane of my existence.

    Liked by 1 person

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