#VerseLove – Burrow and Seed

Day 4 of 30 of National Poetry Month #VerseLove

Jennifer Guyor Jowett is our host today at wee.ethicalela.com for VerseLove. She inspires writers to use burrowing seeds from other poems to inspire an original poem. I have taken a line from Jennifer Jowett’s poem and one from my writing group buddy Kevin’s this morning to inspire my writing as I sit just feet from the two rooms at the Grove Park Inn where F. Scott Fitzgerald summered as a place of respite as he wrote The Great Gatsby. Fran Haley, another of my writing friends, has a photograph of her sitting in his room at his desk. Oh, how I would love that experience. I strolled Gibbs Gardens in Ball Ground, Georgia yesterday and was inspired by Jennifer’s line Turn Seed to Stem, and write this morning hoping F’s fingers are ghostly guides of mine this morning with Kevin’s lines Keep watch for dust, falling in flight as I keep peeking for orbs or shadows of F.

I touched F’s door, April 4, 2022 at the Grove Park Inn

Keeping Watch for F

Turn seed to stem 
Bees buzz on a whim

Tulips yellow, tulips red
Tulips tucked in loamy beds

Daffodils yellow, orange, white
Grove Park Inn on moonlit night

Drinking mules by stone fireplace
Kicking back, vacation pace

Across the hall from Fitzgerald’s room
Gatsby ghosts in  Grand Ballroom

Thoughts when scattered germinate
Writing fingers celebrate

Turn seed to stem, touch his door
Write the morning on F’s floor

Keep watch for dust, falling in flight
And ghosts in hallways, orbs of light

Are his fingers guiding mine?
These sacred moments – – so divine!

Psalm 139:4 

Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.

Tulips in Gibbs Gardens, April 3, 2022

One Reply to “”

  1. Kim, I have been reading your NPM poems and enjoyed them. On this page the stanza that stands out to me is:
    Across the hall from Fitzgerald’s room
    Gatsby ghosts in Grand Ballroom
    Keep on writing poetry!

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