Peace Camp


Peace ☮️ 🏕 Camp

If you ever wonder 

whether peace can exist 

in a diverse world, 

visit a campground! 

On campsite 72 

in Tugaloo State Park 

along the shores 

of Lake Hartwell 

this morning, 

birds and dogs and people

have lively conversations. 

An artist’s palette, 

colorful birds 

sing out in varied calls 

to greet the day.

All sizes and breeds of dogs 

from pampered spa types 

to those ruff at the tattered coats 

ask and answer.

People of all 

races, religions, and income brackets-

as likely to occupy a pup tent 

as a motorhome – 

dwell side-by-side, 

exchanging stories and hacks, 

sharing food and firewood. 

If you ever wonder 

whether peace can exist 

in a diverse world, 

visit a campground! 

17 Replies to “Peace Camp”

  1. I can hear the uninhibited chatter of birds – messengers of peace and also of joy – and well know how dogs are barrier-breakers, often love personified, always ready to give of themselves. Here the people follow suit … those key words, exchanging and sharing…stories, food, firewood. I can hear the laughter and feel the warmth of the campfire, the abiding peace, in the circle of belonging.


  2. Love this poem and the images of birds snd dogs. I can see this as a picture book, Kim. The message of diversity is so full of hope and seeing people camping isn’t something all children experience. This makes me want to camp, too.


  3. Ah, what fun and hope for the world. Everyone should meet and talk at the campground. I love Glenda's idea for this message in a picture book. It is fun to think of the dogs' as well as the people's diversity.


  4. I like this scene of peace. We know pockets like this exist all over the world, right? Real people talking to real people. If only more of this civil discourse happened, we might just realize the collective humanity and work towards that peace.


  5. Ahh – I so agree with this truth. Campgrounds are magical places where all join for one purpose – to enjoy the out of doors! I am yearning to be there having missed this experience last year. One big trip planned in June where campfires and s’mores will once again be mine. and peace will reign supreme.


  6. Fran, your comments are so uplifting – you are so encouraging with your words that echo the theme – belonging, warmth, circle, barrier-breakers. Thank you so much!


  7. Glenda, I would love to camp side by side with our dogs and husbands and chat fireside about reading and writing and life! Thank you! Let’s collaborate on a picture book!


  8. Denise, it did get me thinking about other species as I listened to their conversations – especially the birds. All the different calls singing in chorus! Thank you for commenting today!


  9. Chris & Dave, I love your use of the word magical! It certainly is! My husband said to me, “I can see how a writer could really write just going off the grid away from the distractions.” Magical indeed! Thanks for commenting!


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